Straw House Resorts and Cafe

Everyone has their own travel style. My husband and I are the type of travelers who prefer to create and follow an itinerary. We believe that this is the best way for us to see as much as possible in a given amount of vacation time; it allows us to prioritize our "must do" list. However, that doesn't mean we always follow our original itinerary 100% to the tee. Situations arise or moods or interests change and so we accommodate for these moving pieces when necessary. One of the things we almost never plan are where to eat or what shops or cafes to pop in to. When we were in California for our honeymoon we drove around a lot. Those who have been to California know what I mean: it's a big state! We happened to be at a point in our trip where we had one of our long driving days. And long driving days mean pit stops. In the U.S. many people pull over at designated state rest stops, some more interesting than others. We were...