
Showing posts from May, 2016

My Liebster Award Nomination

A big shout out to Flight of the Flibbertigibbet , who's a novice travel blogger like myself, for nominating me for this year's Liebster Award round!  For those who are unaware, as I was previously, the Liebster Award is an internet-only award given to new bloggers by other bloggers.  It's given to those who have 200 readers or less and is a great way to network with other bloggers in your blog genre of interest.   Here are the official rules for those nominated for this year's Liebster Award.  In short, I have to write a post about my favorite blog (coming soon--stay tuned!), list 10 facts about myself via the questions Flight of the Flibbertigibbet provided, and nominate several blogs for the Liebster Award. So, without further ado, here are the questions! 11 Questions About Me 1.Why did you decide to start blogging? I decided to start blogging because I wanted a creative outlet.  I work in the science field, so there's not too much room f

How To Remember Your Travel Experiences

You know the idiom that pictures say a thousands words?  That may hold true for those exact moments you happened to capture in a photograph, but what about all of those other moments that occurred in between?  Like many, I seem to be able to recall a lot of "useful" information, if you know what I mean.  To help myself remember the finer details, I've picked up a few tips. 1. Photography With that prelude I bet you didn't think you'd see photography here, did you?  Aside from the obvious fact that photos are a great way to visually recount all of the adventures and fun on your travels, don't forget to take pictures of the "boring" things, too.  By that I mean take photos of the welcome signs to museums or natural sites so that when you go through your photos you'll know which ones you'll be looking through next.  Take photos of informative plaques or signs so that you can re-read them if you need to remember a factoid after yo

Travel Skincare Essentials

When it comes to traveling, especially when you're trying to conserve space, sacrifices are made when packing your bags.  My "sacrifices" usually come in the form of chopping skin care products off of the list.  I always regret it when I do, but it can be difficult to pack your favorite liquids and gels all into a one-gallon bag, particularly when it comes to carry-on luggage.  When I travel for personal vacations half the time I'll carry on and the other half I'll check my bags (usually for overseas trips).  When I travel for work about 90% of the time I carry on.  Luckily my preferred skincare products come in carry-on marketing if you ask me!  Here are some of my favorites. Andalou Naturals Ultra Sheer Daily Defense Facial Lotion with SPF 18 ($14.95) I spent a while looking for a facial lotion product that had sunscreen in it and  had natural ingredients.  This is my personal favorite and I've been using it for about three years n