
Showing posts from June, 2014

Travel, Sangria, and Baked Jalapenos

This past week and a half has been a whirlwind of travel.  From Denver to D.C. to Jacksonville/Orlando and back to D.C. again.  Whew!  This week was rough after flying back home on 4 hours of sleep and then working a full work week.  There really just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done! A side note with all that travel: I think I'm done flying with U.S. Airways.  I've only flown two round trips with them, but every time something goes wrong.  This time their bag handlers tore my bag.  I don't even think it tore on the baggage conveyor belt; in fact, it looks like it was slashed with a knife or something.  I could have carried it on, but they had everyone in Zone 4 and higher gate check their bags because there was allegedly no overhead bin space left.  That turned out to be complete crap, by the way; there were a handful of completely empty bins.  Not only that, but in my experience they always board late, take off late, or delay your flight for

First manicure post!

Hello from Colorado!  This is my last full day here for work and then it's home sweet home tomorrow!  I wish I'd had more time to actually explore a little bit of CO and see Dinosaur Ridge , but I was in an education conference for two full days.  Maybe next time! Being on travel means I don't have my Norway photos with me.  Instead, here's a recent mani. :) OPI's glitter "" over Wet 'n Wild's "On A Trip" Also, congratulations to Team USA for winning their match against Ghana!

Vacation to Ireland

Another post so soon?! Time to cross something off of my blog's To Do List.  Here are a handful of some of my favorite photos from Ireland and Northern Ireland.  I apologize for the watermarks, but it's just to discourage people from stealing my photos and claiming them as their own.  Now, onward! Cliffs of Moher in County Clare, Ireland.  It was especially windy the day we toured at the Cliffs, but the views were great and we were quite happy that it wasn't raining!  In fact, we got quite lucky with the weather for the majority of the time that we were in Ireland, with the exception of the first couple of days in Galway. This is my favorite photo from the entire trip.  As you probably well know, Ireland is known for having a lot of sheep.  This one was watching us as we made our way down from looking at the Clochan on the Dingle Peninsula in County Kerry, Ireland.  That pink coloring on its back isn't blood, so don't worry!  It's just paint that it

Getting back on track

Talk about long time, no see!  When I started this blog I definitely had the intention to post more often than once a month.  Then again, I'm one of those types who gets all of these ideas into her head, becomes incredibly excited about all of them, and then tries to do them all at once as soon as possible.  Of course, we all know how that goes: all of those ideas end up in the "partially done" pile! In my defense, though, I was on vacation for 2.5 weeks having a blast in Ireland and Norway, which slowed down the progress of this blog.  I've also been slowly organizing the apartment since moving in with my boyfriend.  However, progress is progress and my walk-in closet (which is a luxury in itself around here) is slowly starting to come together. One of those many blog ideas floating around in my head is an "After" post to display my oh so amazing organization skills, which are being honed everyday.  As anyone who's decorated/organized their living a