
Showing posts from 2020

2020 Goals

Happy New Year!  I can't remember the last time I officially made any New Year resolutions, but this year I figured, why not?  It will give me something to strive for and it will help me be productive.  On another note, my Adobe Creative Cloud is acting buggy and I can't add a watermark to this photo.  But  this is from our trip to Quebec City's winter carnival in February of 2018.  Though it was super cold, we had a blast and highly recommend it to anyone looking for some winter fun that's not skiing or snowboarding. Read 10 Books in 2020 In late 2019 I signed up with Goodreads and assigned myself a goal to read six books before the year ended. I used to be an avid reader when I was a kid, but over time my devotion to reading waned, mostly due to school studies and, well, life. I surprised myself by surpassing my late-term goal and actually read nine books. Most of that reading was accomplished on flights for work and pleasure because I was confined in a si