
Showing posts from June, 2017

Beautiful Burney Falls

The day after our failed attempt to see Crater Lake  (an excuse to go back again!), we departed our beloved Railroad Park Resort and started to make our way to Lassen Volcanic National Park.  To break up the drive we ended up stopping at McArthur-Burney Falls State Park .  Honestly, we weren't expecting much, but once we arrived our expectations were quickly blown out of the water. Burney Falls is an amazingly picturesque waterfall.  It reminded us a lot of Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia given how the falls take many different paths downward into the pool rather than via one giant waterfall mouth.  And to top it all off, the lighting was perfect that day for photographs.  We both rented cameras for this trip to see if we might want to purchase them down the road, so we spent some time adjusting different shutter speed settings to "smooth" out the flow of the waterfalls in the photos. The waterfall is very much the centerpiece of the park, which also

Our Crater Lake Try and Fail

Up until this point in our travels we had luckily not experienced any, so to speak, travel "failures."  We always have an itinerary before we leave and we usually more or less stick to it.  The exceptions that arise are usually due to tired feet or, somewhat jokingly, church sightseeing fatigue.  (Europe has a lot of churches, ok?) Crater Lake National Park in Oregon was a place we were both particularly looking forward to seeing with our own eyes.  It was one of our longest days of driving (4.5 hours roundtrip) on our entire honeymoon because we opted for a day trip from Dunsmuir, California (read here ) rather than spending a night any farther north. The closer we drove to Crater Lake NP the less ideal the weather became on our route.  It rained, it drizzled, it was foggy.  By the time we finally drove into the park there were forecasts of several inches of snow within the July!  Fun fact: Crater Lake National Park sees an even higher average snowfall (

Spain and Portugal Instagram Roundup

Well.  It's been a while, hasn't it?  As I type this it's been about 24 hours since I returned to the U.S., I'm drinking some tea, and my cat--whom I haven't seen in three weeks--is cuddled behind me on the couch.  Home sweet home!  Yes, the hubs and I just got back from three weeks of travelling around Portugal and Spain.  There were some days we broke 9 miles of walking and we have the sandal tan lines to show for it!  (And maybe some toned leg muscles, too?) I also decided to change my blog name (again!).  I obviously posted these photos on my Instagram when my handle was still @corkingaround, but you can now follow me there at @travellinglore ; the same goes for Twitter .  This also means I had to re-"claim" my blog on bloglovin, so feel free to re-follow me there , too. I'm still backlogged on recounting my travels from July 2016 to present, but here's a teaser of some of the amazing things we saw while driving around the Iberian peni