
Showing posts from 2019

May Book Review

I have a huge list of books that I want to read, but I find myself distracted by activities that requires less attention at the end of the work day.  I used to read a lot as a child ( Nancy Dre w mysteries were my all time favorite), but now I'm lucky if I'm able to squeeze in half a dozen books in a year.  I always tell myself that 30 minutes a day spent reading is easily attainable--and for me, it should be; but I get distracted by social media or Words With Friends on my phone, or catching up with various shows on DVR.  Either way, I need to improve my reading attendance, especially since I have a pile of books to get through! It's a new month, so I'm going to set a goal to read one book per month and then write a short review of it as proof.  Without further adieu, this is what I read in May accompanied by a short list of what I'm currently reading.  I've always had a habit of starting multiple books at once, even as a kid. GEISHA OF GION: THE TRUE ST

Frankfurt Layover: Rhine River Cruise

Oh goodness, these photos are from our layover in Frankfurt on our way to South Africa, which we visited over a year ago.  I truly am just the worst travel blogger.  It's a good thing no one pays me to do these.  I also forgot to bring my travel journal on this trip, so no help there for me, either. As I mentioned, we were on our way to South Africa and decided to try out a different style of traveling whereby we do a long layover so that we can stretch our legs and see another country.  If I remember correctly, at the time we bought our tickets, sometime in late 2017, our long layover choices were only in Brazil, Turkey, or Germany.  Usually we book flights with the least amount of layovers possible, and if there are layovers we usually choose those that are shorter.  However, it seemed like a good opportunity to try something different and to see a country that I had never seen, if just literally for a day. I can't remember exactly what time we

Parading Our Lives on Social Media

Gosh, it's been such a long time since I checked in on my blog.  Honestly, it's such a time commitment even though I make no money off of it whatsoever and I sure as hell am not a viral sensation.  The main reason I even blog is for the sake of preserving memories first and sharing experiences with fellow interested travelers second.  Unless I have photos or write things down or something amazed me to the fullest, I have the worst memory for remembering the details.  I often remember the oddest details of our trips and can usually remember the names of towns, but since my husband is our trip planner he has the investment of time on his side for recollection of our travels. That said, I came on here because I want to write about/share a story about some free "entertainment" we witnessed during our excursion to Puerto Rico in January (I can't believe we're in May already!).  Yes, yes, I am way more than several trips behind on this blog, but so it