Travel, Sangria, and Baked Jalapenos

This past week and a half has been a whirlwind of travel. From Denver to D.C. to Jacksonville/Orlando and back to D.C. again. Whew! This week was rough after flying back home on 4 hours of sleep and then working a full work week. There really just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done! A side note with all that travel: I think I'm done flying with U.S. Airways. I've only flown two round trips with them, but every time something goes wrong. This time their bag handlers tore my bag. I don't even think it tore on the baggage conveyor belt; in fact, it looks like it was slashed with a knife or something. I could have carried it on, but they had everyone in Zone 4 and higher gate check their bags because there was allegedly no overhead bin space left. That turned out to be complete crap, by the way; there were a handful of completely empty bins. Not only that, but in my experience they always board late, take of...