Getting back on track

Talk about long time, no see!  When I started this blog I definitely had the intention to post more often than once a month.  Then again, I'm one of those types who gets all of these ideas into her head, becomes incredibly excited about all of them, and then tries to do them all at once as soon as possible.  Of course, we all know how that goes: all of those ideas end up in the "partially done" pile!

In my defense, though, I was on vacation for 2.5 weeks having a blast in Ireland and Norway, which slowed down the progress of this blog.  I've also been slowly organizing the apartment since moving in with my boyfriend.  However, progress is progress and my walk-in closet (which is a luxury in itself around here) is slowly starting to come together.

One of those many blog ideas floating around in my head is an "After" post to display my oh so amazing organization skills, which are being honed everyday.  As anyone who's decorated/organized their living area knows, though, part of the battle is trying to find the best bang for your buck, which can take time and research.  While the Container Store is fantastic, they're not always the cheapest around.

That said, maybe I should make a list of blog posts I'd like to complete in the next month to keep me on track.

  • "Before & After" closet organization
  • Recent fashion haul
  • Ireland and Norway photos

And to wrap it up, go L.A. Kings for the Stanley Cup!  Sorry (not sorry), Rangers!  I have to root for the other team seeing as you guys knocked my Penguins out! :)


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