My Liebster Award Nomination

A big shout out to Flight of the Flibbertigibbet , who's a novice travel blogger like myself, for nominating me for this year's Liebster Award round! For those who are unaware, as I was previously, the Liebster Award is an internet-only award given to new bloggers by other bloggers. It's given to those who have 200 readers or less and is a great way to network with other bloggers in your blog genre of interest. Here are the official rules for those nominated for this year's Liebster Award. In short, I have to write a post about my favorite blog (coming soon--stay tuned!), list 10 facts about myself via the questions Flight of the Flibbertigibbet provided, and nominate several blogs for the Liebster Award. So, without further ado, here are the questions! 11 Questions About Me 1.Why did you decide to start blogging? I decided to start blogging because I wanted a creative outlet. I work in the science field, so there's not too much ro...