May Book Review

I have a huge list of books that I want to read, but I find myself distracted by activities that requires less attention at the end of the work day. I used to read a lot as a child ( Nancy Dre w mysteries were my all time favorite), but now I'm lucky if I'm able to squeeze in half a dozen books in a year. I always tell myself that 30 minutes a day spent reading is easily attainable--and for me, it should be; but I get distracted by social media or Words With Friends on my phone, or catching up with various shows on DVR. Either way, I need to improve my reading attendance, especially since I have a pile of books to get through! It's a new month, so I'm going to set a goal to read one book per month and then write a short review of it as proof. Without further adieu, this is what I read in May accompanied by a short list of what I'm currently reading. I've always had a habit of starting multiple books at once, even as a kid. GEISHA OF GION: THE TRUE ST...