Welcome to "Corking Around"

When I started my blog I’d originally intended to primarily write about winery tours, cooking adventures, and travelling. I created it for myself in order to have an artistic outlet outside of my technical full time job. I told myself to avoid falling into several “newbie” blogging traps of A) creating content for content’s sake and B) promoting it in hopes of somehow magically attracting sponsors. In short, I didn’t want to compromise my blogging goals by word vomiting (to borrow a phrase from Mean Girls) all over the place.

However, anyone who’s ever tried to maintain a blog knows how time consuming it is to create content for each new post, whether it’s just for yourself and a few friends or for hundreds of loyal readers. Whatever you choose to blog about, it takes time, and often money, to visit places, document a recipe, and/or keep up with the fashion and beauty products. This, combined with the addition of a part-time job, quite a bit of traveling for my full time job, and keeping up with my personal life, caused me to fall into exactly the style of blogging I wanted to avoid.

Instead of following my original goals, I started blogging about topics that didn’t require as much of my time. Because I didn’t have time to tour wineries, photograph my cooking forays, or travel extensively, my blog content morphed into beauty product reviews and clothing collages. While blogging about skin care, beauty, and fashion is fun, it’s not the type of content on which I personally wanted to focus. I enjoy these things as much as the next girl, but I’m quite content leaving it up to others to write about.

So, long story short, I’m announcing a content and blog name change, Corking Around! I will likely still blog occasionally about beauty and fashion, but from this point forward this will be a lifestyle blog. I will do my very best to stay true to myself and to write more about my primary interests: wine and beer, food, and travelling. Since these topics depend on the amount of free time I have, my blogging frequency will probably decrease. However, I hope that you all still continue to follow along with my adventures. Welcome to Corking Around! :)


  1. Blogging is definitely a time consuming hobby. But you are right, if you don't write about what you are passionate about then you aren't being true to yourself. It's nice to see you have found your calling as a writer. Best of luck!!

  2. We just have to keep each other accountable! Lets make a promise to guest post for each other every couple months too!

    1. Yes, we should keep each other accountable. You've been doing a great job at blogging lately. And I'd love to do some guest posts in the future!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sometimes having a refocus like this can be really energising and motivating! Good luck!

    Corinne x

    1. Hi Corinne, thank you for your kind words! You're absolutely right about feeling re-energized after switching my focus. :)


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